Saturday 11 April 2009

God, I hate hackers.

They make the internet feel like living in a dodgy tower block - as if just talking to a friend is a risky operation that requires you to double-lock your door and risk having your stuff nicked.

Anyway, trying to sort out a googlemail/gmail username prob (I think someone has managed to register even though I own - something that gmail say's can't happen) I came across a hack post.


I deliberately refuse to understand most of this, but it makes me worry about everything. About my mother's pension, about my children's birthday presents, about all the money I've squirrelled into the bank (which isn't much, so don't bother hacking in to get it).

Cowardly criminals are the biggest threat to free speech. Stand up and show your faces, like Butch Cassidy and The Sunshine Kids.


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